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Player Events

About Player events

You can listen for events in the player by attaching a callback using .on()

player.on('ended', function() {
// Executes when the video is ended

The events are equivalent to the HTML5 video events.

To remove a listener, call .off() with the callback function. If you pass an event name only, you remove all listeners for that event.

var onPlay = function() {


player.on('ended', onPlay);

// If later you decide that you don't need to listen for `ended`'ended', onPlay);

// Alternatively, call `off` with just the event name to remove all listeners'ended');

Events for playback controls

  • ended
  • error
  • loaded
  • pause
  • play
  • progress
  • seeked
  • timeupdate
  • volumechange
  • ratechange


This event fires when playback reaches the end of a video.


When the player's loop behavior is enabled, the ended event doesn't fire.


This event fires when a new video is loaded in the player.


This event fires when the volume in the player changes.


This event fires when the playback position of the video changes, generally every 250 ms during playback, but the interval can vary depending on the browser.


This event fires when the player seeks a specific time. A simultaneous timeupdate event also fires.


This event fires while the video is loading. The event data indicates the amount of the video that has been buffered.


This event fires when the video plays.


This event fires when the video is paused.


This event fires when the player experiences some sort of error. If a method call generated the error, the name of the method appears in the event data, along with the name of the error.


This event fires when the playback rate of the video in the player changes.