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Exam webhook

How To Enable Exam Webhook

  • In the Institute settings, locate the Exam webhook URL field and add the desired URL for the webhook.
  • To test the webhook, use a URL generated from a webhook site like Webhook site
  • The webhook will automatically post data to the provided URL when Exam attempts are started or completed.

Data Posted To The Exam Webhook URL

Below are the response parameters posted by Testpress to Institute when an attempt is started and completed.

emailstringEmail Address of the user
usernamestringUsername of the user
attempt_idintegerUnique Testpress Id for the Attempt. This id will be used to review the attempt
examkey/value pairThis key/value pair will contain exam details like "id", "title", "start_date", "end_date", "duration".
total_countintegerTotal number of questions in the Exam
correct_answers_countstringTotal number of correct answers in the attempt
incorrect_answers_countintegerTotal number of incorrect answers in the attempt
unanswered_answers_countintegerTotal number of unattemptted questions in the attempt
scoreintegerTotal score obtained by the user for the attempt
percentageintegerscore percentage
keystringPublic institute key provided by Testpress to identify the Institute
hashstringHash generated using above algorithm.
subject_statskey/value pairThis key/value pair will contain subject wise details
difficulty_level_statskey/value pairThis key/value pair will contain difficulty wise details

In the above data hash value is used to identify that the data is indeed posted from testpress.

Start Exam Webhook Response

"username": "test_user",
"accuracy": 0,
"hash": "8291fc65f59336716b072ae3936aeaeabbe56685e812144d87722430e80ae6c10feaf82c83dfb75ca4696e2b1f60eb72a68b376e15b3dfb5a2717d3a51973c88",
"exam": {
"id": 27,
"title": "File type exam",
"duration": null,
"start_date": "2023-03-15T12:04:32+05:30",
"end_date": null
"subject_stats": [],
"email": "",
"partial_correct_answers_count": null,
"attempt_id": 130,
"attempt_state": "started",
"incorrect_answers_count": 0,
"difficulty_level_stats": {},
"completed_on": null,
"unanswered_answers_count": 0,
"key": "YDRAXrgV3STf7EH5",
"attempt_start_time": "2023-03-31T10:55:54.968829Z",
"user_id": 2,
"percentage": "0.00",
"score": "0.00",
"speed": 0,
"institute_attempt_id": null,
"correct_answers_count": 0

End Exam Webhook Response

"username": "student",
"accuracy": 0,
"hash": "dc206631d1fb9a73dd1b8119b63bcfd6f2700bbd20dc6bbb7999e11f182697104cc72cb323b153ff42565481ff3d777087de7c88956c637897b43272d5b9dc9f",
"exam": {
"id": 27,
"title": "File type exam",
"duration": null,
"start_date": "2023-03-15T12:04:32+05:30",
"end_date": null
"subject_stats": [
"subject_name": "Quantitative",
"parent_subject_id": null,
"correct_answers_count": 0,
"incorrect_answers_count": 0,
"partial_correct_answers_count": 0,
"unanswered_count": 1,
"answered_count": 0,
"total_count": 1,
"score": "0.00"
"email": "",
"partial_correct_answers_count": 0,
"attempt_id": 130,
"attempt_state": "completed",
"incorrect_answers_count": 0,
"difficulty_level_stats": {
"uncategorized": {
"correct_answers_count": 0,
"incorrect_answers_count": 0,
"partial_correct_answers_count": 0,
"unanswered_count": 1,
"total_count": 1
"completed_on": "2023-03-31T16:27:41.151586+05:30",
"unanswered_answers_count": 1,
"key": "YDRAXrgV3STf7EH5",
"attempt_start_time": "2023-03-31T10:55:54.968829Z",
"user_id": 2,
"percentage": "0.00",
"score": "0.00",
"speed": 0,
"institute_attempt_id": null,
"correct_answers_count": 0

How To Generate The Hash And Verify The Authenticity Of The Data

HMAC (Hash-based message authentication code) is used to avoid tampering during the request flow. The hash is calculated using the following algorithm:

  • Get the values of 'public_key', 'attempt_id', 'correct_answers_count', 'private_key', 'incorrct_answers_count', 'unanswered_count', 'percentage', 'score', 'user_id'
  • Create a string by appending the above percentage encoded values using | pipe character. Maintain the same order while appending
  • Calculate the HMAC using HMAC-SHA512 with the private key.
  • Private key can be taken from the admin dashboard., message, hashlib.sha512).hexdigest()